Tech TroubleShooters

New Malware Masquerades as Netflix App and Spreads via Malicious Whatsapp Auto-replies

by | Apr 13, 2021 | News & Updates

Researchers recently discovered a new Android malware on Google Play that disguised as a Netflix app and spread itself by sending Whatsapp messages and offering free Netflix premium for 60 days.

The malicious app called “FlixOnline” advertised via Whatsapp and promised two months of free Netflix Premium for 60 days anywhere in the world. However, once installed the app was designed to steal data and credentials.

The app was set to listen for incoming messages on Whatsapp on the victim’s phone and to reply automatically with the app’s own content. The automated responses lured others to a free Netflix service and contained links to a fake Netflix branded page having fields for entering credit card and other credentials for storing them for later use.

To protect against these kind of attacks, users should be very diligent with regards to download links and attachments via Whatsapp or any other messaging apps. If users find an app to be suspicious, they should immediately proceed to remove it and change all passwords.

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